Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Karma-Yoga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Karma-Yoga - Essay Example The action path proposed in Bhagavad-Gita teaches someone how to remain in the world, doing their duties and still get qualification for the spiritual life. It is in contrary to the common opinion that people should go to the forest, renounce their worldly belongings, away from the community like a cave and do meditation or tapas to achieve self-realization. According to Hindu, Karma operates both in a lifetime and across lifetimes; the actions results may only get experienced after the life in the present. Virtuous or good actions, harmony actions with dharma, will get good responses or reactions while bad actions, those that are against dharma will get the opposite consequences. Krishna explains that actions bind people to their subject and impact them to their karma. Though, it does not mean that non-action or inaction is a solution to karma problem. It is clear that none of the actions, non-action, wrong action and right action, give individuals freedom by renouncing work or abstaining from work. It is because one cannot remain inactive as the gunas drive each one helplessly in performing actions physically and mentally. Right action is when one who know the truth about functions and qualities of their functions, understanding gunas as senses and tend to move between them as the sense-objects. A wrong action is when a person deluded by egoism describes the Self with the mind, body, the senses, and life-forces, ascribing to the Self every body’s attributes and the senses (Sargeant 5).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Executive Summary Essay Example for Free

Executive Summary Essay Patient education is crucial to improve quality of patient care, increase healthy behaviors and improve health status. Nursing and patient interaction plays a very important role, and part of a nurses’ job is to educate the patient (Ferguson et al., 2013). Educational programs such as nursing groups would be of great benefit to implement at Aurora Behavioral Health facility. The following content will provide the purpose, target audience, benefits and more details on why implementing this programming will benefit this facility and improve quality of care. Purpose of Programming The main purpose of this programming is to improve patient health and slow down disease deterioration. This also gives the patients a chance to express some of their worries or concerns regarding the treatment or medication they are getting. This type of population already has a challenging time understanding their own condition and or state of mind, not all of them but most of them since they are mentally challenges due to their psychotic disorder. This programming also serves the purpose of nurses developing a therapeutic relationship with their patients, often times nurses will be able to pick up if there is a change in behavior, which can become a very important hint when related to a patient that is severely depressed. Overall increased customer satisfaction is the end goal. Target Audience The target audiences are psychotic, depressed, and detoxing patients. With psychotic patients that are on multiple psychotropic medications it is important to constantly be educating on the side effects of the medication such as lithium and the importance of hydration. Behavioral health technicians would also benefit from this as well as they themselves can  encourage patients to abide by these helpful hints reducing complications that can occur. Benefits of Programming An educated patient can participate in improvement of their own treatment helping improve outcomes or being capable of identifying errors before they occur ending in a shorter length of stay and a speedy recovery (Hà ¤tà ¶nen et al., 2010). For example a patient who has a good knowledge and understands what medications they are on and the times they are taken, will be able to catch a medication error perhaps by recognizing the pill itself and might realize and say â€Å" I take that medication at night, not in the morning† unfortunately we are humans and make mistakes. Individuals with poor mental health conditions often feel inferior, this nursing program will help them build more confidence and also allow one on one time with their nurse resulting in therapeutic relationship. Nurses will also have the benefit of becoming more familiar with his or her patients and recognize any changes in attitude or behavior. Cost, Budget Justification . The only cost in this programming would be the time put into by the nurses. There has to be adequate staffing so the nurse is able to take the time to accomplish this daily task. There are only a few requirements perhaps having the nurse with the lower patient acuity do the nursing group. The cost would be minimal such as providing the patient with printed material for them to read as some of them learn better by reading. Evaluation Basis A nursing group would consist of thirty minutes to an hour dedicated to educate patients to touch base on important topics. Some important topics consist of safety, medications and its side effects, warning signs of complications or basic topics such as hydration and nutrition. The nursing group will be done once a day preferably during the daytime shift when patients are alert and awake. There are two nurses per unit which consists of 20 beds, one nurse can do nursing group while the other remains at the nurses station attending to the rest of the patients that decided not to attend or couldn’t for various reasons. The nursing supervisor is  responsible to making a file with numerous health related topics that would be targeted to this type of population. If there is a chaotic busy day with more important priorities to where nurses don’t have the time to teach nursing group, it can be cancelled and held until the next day. Conclusion Patient education needs continuing emphasis in the healthcare systems and educational programs such as nursing group. This is crucial to patients in the experience of their illness and in the community. According to a study patients perceive structured and systematically conducted patient education programs very useful (Koivunen, et al., 2012). Informed patients can lessen changes of malpractice claims and improve and increase overall patient satisfaction. This is a low cost effective program that will help achieve and meet patient satisfaction as it improves quality of patient care. . References Ferguson, Linda, M., Heather Ward, Sharon Card, Suzanne Sheppard, and Jane McMurtry. 2013. Putting the patient back into patient-centred care: An education perspective. Nurse Education In Practice 13, no. 4: 283-287. CINAHL Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed September 29, 2014) Hà ¤tà ¶nen, H., Suhonen, R., Warro, H., Pitkà ¤nen, A., Và ¤limà ¤ki, M. (2010). Patients perceptions of patient education on psychiatric inpatient wards: a qualitative study. Journal Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 17(4), 335-341. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2850.2009.01530.x Koivunen, M. M., Huhtasalo, J. J., Makkonen, P. P., VÄLimÄKi, M. M., HÄTÃâ€"Nen, H. H. (2012). Nurses roles in systematic patient education sessions in psychiatric nursing. Journal Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 19(6), 546-554. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2850.2011.01833.x

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Oklahoma City and Low-Tech Terrorism :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Oklahoma City and Low-Tech Terrorism    Abstract: Ammonium nitrate can be a very beneficial compound when used correctly. It has allowed American farmers to produce more and better agricultural products for decades. The Oklahoma City bombing revealed ammonium nitrate's dark side, however. That bomb, constructed from basic fertilizer, awakened America to the dangers of the common compound. It also caused America to loose its innocence of domestic terrorism.    On April 21, 1995, America was forced to come to grips with terrorism on a scale never before witnessed on American soil. The bombing of the Murrah Federal Office building in Oklahoma City was the most deadly single act of terrorism ever perpetrated within the United States. Two factors combined to make the Oklahoma City bombing even more sinister and frightening than previous terrorist attacks against Americans: the identity of the alleged terrorists and the relative ease with which the attack was carried out.    In the immediate aftermath of the attack, media speculation focused on the possibility of religious extremists, possibly with the support of rogue Middle Eastern states such as Iran or Libya, having carried out the attack to make a political statement against their avowed enemies the United States. The World Trade Center bombing, the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and the bombing of the US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut had all been tied into Middle Eastern politics. When the FBI announced its intentions to prosecute Timothy McVeigh, a former US serviceman, and a couple of American accomplices, America was forced to come to grips with the idea of Americans committing mass terrorist acts against their own government and compatriots.    The initial speculation that focused on the Middle East was based on two principles: motive, an avowed hatred for America, and capability, a proven ability to make bombs and use them. The Oklahoma City bombing, if McVeigh is indeed found guilty, demonstrates that both motive and capability are present right there in America's heartland. As the FBI outlined how it believes the plot transpired, Americans learned just how vulnerable we are to terrorists.    The details of the bombing unfolded quickly. The FBI tracked McVeigh through his rental of a Ryder rental van that was located at the bomb's epicenter. Despite the tremendous force of the explosion, remnants of the van survived. The FBI was able to lift a Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, from some piece of the 1993 Ford van.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Odysseus Cannot Return Home in Homers Odyssey Essay -- Odyssey essays

Odysseus Cannot Return Home in Homer's Odyssey   Ã‚  Ã‚   Webster's College Dictionary defines home as: An environment offering security and happiness" and "a valued place regarded as refuge or place of origin." Anyone can build a house but the emotional security a home provides is created by the people who live there. In Homer's Odyssey, the Greek hero Odysseus leaves his home in Ithica to fight in the Trojan war. The Odyssey tells the story of his treacherous journey back to Ithica, and the turmoil he experiences. Due to his strong desire to return to the place he remembered as home, Odysseus endurs the hardships of his journey. He hopes his homecoming will return him to the same home, and same life he built twenty years ago. Odysseus will never truly return home because he is not the same king, husband, or man he once was; He is not capable of recreating the home he once had. Ulysses' quote," I am part of all that I have met," is the epitome of why Odysseus can never again truly return home. Throughout his journeys he has experienced multiple life changing events. As the quotation states, he has become a part of everything he has experienced. Victimized by kleos, arrogance, and emotional weakness, Odysseus is forever changed from the Trojan war, and his journey home. Fighting on the battle grounds of the Trojan war, left Odysseus narcissistic, and controlled by his desire for kleos. Odysseus desire for recognition is demonstrated often before he reaches Ithica. It eventually leads to the death of all of his men. An earlier example is the manner in which he dealt with the Cyclops. When Odysseys and his men were sailing back to sea, after escaping the beast, he called out to the already furious Cyclops,... ...the suitors and the women who were in some way connected to them. Odysseus will never be the same husband, because he broke the trust between himself and Penelope, and the security of marriage. Emotionally damaged and belligerent, Odysseus is not the same man and will never be able to play the role of the person he was. The home he once had, the security, attachment, and people that are associated with it, will all be effected by him. The home Odysseus, the all mighty Trojan hero once built, will never again be more than a memory. Works Consulted: Bloom, Harold.   Homer's Odyssey: Edited and with an Introduction, NY, Chelsea House 1988 Crane, Gregory.   Backgrounds and Conventions of the Odyssey,   Frankfurt, Athenaeum 1988 Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: 1996 Tracy, Stephen V. The Story of the Odyssey Princeton UP 1990

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Thousand Acres vs. King Lear Essay

After watching both films, A Thousand Acres made in 2007 starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Jessica Lange and Jason Robards and King Lear made in 2008 starring Ian McKellen, Frances Barber and Kieran Bew, I decidedly liked A Thousand Acres much better. Mostly for it’s acting, and the modernism of the story line. (Although, a King Lear re-make is in production currently and will star Al Pacino as King Lear, so my opinion is subject to change.) There are many similarities between the two movies. Both movies have a father with three daughters, whom are trying to leave something to them. Larry Cook is deciding how to split his land amongst his daughters, where as King Lear is deciding how to split his kingdom amongst his three daughters. Larry, is Lear. Ginny is Goneral, Rose is Regan and the favourite and youngest daughters, Caroline is Cordelia. Harold Clark, a family friend of Larry, is the portrayal of the Earl of Gloucester, King Lears friend. His two sons are Edgar and Edmund, and Harold’s two son’s are Loren and Jess. Though there is a lacking of the comical aspect in A Thousand Acres, that is put in King Lear, the story lines are still very similar. The viewpoint is similar – coming from the eldest daughter Ginny(A Thousand Acres) and the eldest daughter Goneril(King Lear.) King Lear – divides his kingdom amongst his daughters based on who loves him the most, Larry gives the largest portion of his land to the most loving daughter as well. In each family and storyline, the youngest daughter rebels against their father and ends up leaving, getting nothing from their father. After each father gives up their power/land, they both go mental without it, and both end up in horrible situations that end up with their youngest (and previously most favoured) daughter coming to the rescue. Though there are many similarities, the movies differ in many, many ways. For example: Ginny brings up the fact her father molested her aswell as her sister Rose, where as Goneril feels nothing but love and admiration for her father. The love is portrayed more innocent and wholesome. Ginny shows how  you could hate her father, for the fact he molested her as a child. King Lear is told from a male perspective, Shakespeare didn’t have a female mentality especially not back in that age, not portrayed atleast in this movie. A Thousand Acres is written by a female, and this is why there is a different, more twisted perspective. A female view as well as a males, as she wrote it later on mirroring this novel, she got to put her own ‘two cents’ in. King Lear is a changed man at the end of the movie. He goes from being a horrible tyrant, to a changed man. Larry? Not so much. He remains a dispicable man, solely caring about his possessions, power and money, who’s attitudes and beliefs never change. Because of the fact that the movies are in two different perspectives, they have different themes. Though both hold a theme about the abuse of power, and a theme of abusive family relationships, as well as father daughter relationships – they differ in what the main themes are. A Thousand Acres is about living life to it’s fullest and for yourself, where as, the main theme of King Lear is family and power. Another difference is the fact the town thought that the daughters of Larry were cruel to him, where in fact they weren’t. He was respected by his town. King Lear was also a very respected ruler of his lands. However, nobody suspects King Lear’s daughter’s of being cruel to him.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Health care fraud and abuse within the Veterans Administration system Essays

Health care fraud and abuse within the Veterans Administration system Essays Health care fraud and abuse within the Veterans Administration system Paper Health care fraud and abuse within the Veterans Administration system Paper The VA was established in the year 1989. The main aim of its establishment was to provide federal benefits to the US military veterans and their respective families. The agency is perceived to be the second largest of the fifteen cabinet departments. It provides financial assistance, health care and burial benefit programs. It covers around sixty million people who are namely;  Ã‚   veterans, their respective family members and the veterans survivors. VA’s annual budget is higher than 90 billion dollars although it is seeking around $ 125 billion for next year (2011). Sixty billion dollars from its budget is stipulated for health benefits and the remaining is directed towards pensions and disabilities. Other benefits of VA include home loans, educational assistance, vocational rehabilitation for the disabled veterans and life insurance. The predecessor of VA was the veteran’s administration which had been established in 1930. VA is divided into, veteran’s health administration, national cemetery system and veteran’s benefits administration. It facilitates the management of the veterans hospitals or clinics and also disbursement and eligibility of the disability pensions ( 2010). The VA has is plagued with many fraud cases which result from deception, poor system guidelines and many more other causes. This research proposal is going to discuss the top reasons as to why the VA is plagued with these fraud cases. Public recognition Lack of public recognition is perceived to be one of the top reasons as to why the VA is plagued with fraud. This is because no monitoring is done on the kind work of being done by men and women at the VA’s office. Vital work is basically done without much public recognition. This brings about schemes which are aimed at creating fraudulent claims for 100% disability that resulted in retroactive lump-sum payments to the deceased veterans. For example in the year 2001 a former supervisor at VA’s Atlanta regional office was sentenced for a 13- year imprisonment and also ordered to pay more than 11 million dollars as restitution for her taking part in a scheme to pay benefits in the name of deceased veterans. This calls for the undertaking in a number of corrective measures which must include technology-based and procedural controls than can quickly prevent and quickly identify similar frauds and stronger responsibility for the VA managers. Public recognition will require all the work of the veterans to be publicized and exposed in the notice boards and internal WebPages. Dysfunction of the system The second top reason as to why there is increased fraud in Veteran Affairs the dysfunction of the system which openly tends to invite fraud. Congress has also facilitated to the systems dysfunction because it has pressurized the VA into making it easier for the veterans especially when it comes to the settling of the disability claims. The VA has also currently proposed changes which will simplify the acts of deception from the veterans. Fraud emanating from deception is depicted by the higher number of veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq coupled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder thus making for it easier for the veterans to fake the disease.,(2010) describes this deception emanating from the disorder as â€Å"profitably working the levers of sympathy for the wounded and obligation to the troops, and exploiting the sheer difficulty of nailing a surefire diagnosis of a condition that is notoriously hard to define. Each of these cases represents potentially millions of dollars in tax-free benefits over the veterans lifetime benefits that may continue while the veteran works and even into retirement. This deception is facilitated by the lack of availability of the clinicians who perform these disability evaluations. This is because the clinicians assume that it is not their responsibility to assess the patient’s stories. The new rule (making it easy for the veterans to settle their disability claims) should be thoroughly researched on traumatic and PTSD. With reports indicating that the number of Vietnam War veterans who committed suicide to be more than those who died in the battle field, much of the funds should be directed towards the treatment of the veterans. Most of the military women and men in uniform are usually stigmatized when they try to seek help for the demons in their brains or minds that forces them to contemplate suicide as the way out. It will therefore be important for the health specialist to evaluate every veteran once he or she comes from the damage (, 2010). Trained staff The other top reason for fraud in VA is lack of a well trained staff. A staff which has no basic concepts of what they are doing may result into poor outcome or negative output when it comes to production. Fraud comes in on the side of auditors who have no explicit knowledge of auditing. Fraud is facilitated by construction works due to the excessive prices paid in major construction. This overpayment for constructions work should be returned to the reserve fund. Audit fraud is also facilitated by some contract award actions, adminstration, contract awards and administration must be enhanced to en sure that no excess prices are paid for construction work. To improve construction contracting the VHA should ensure that contracts always result better or reasonable prices for the work which is already completed. Contracts which are in the interests of the state government are efficiently controlled to prevent waste, fraud, mismanagement and abuse. Contracting fraud was facilitated by the fact that the contractors aren’t enlightened enough to use the available resources to ensure that price determinations are adequately supported and reasonable and fair prices are achieved. Fraud is facilitated by the fact that the staff lacks the appropriate knowledge in the department’s information system. When the staff have the problem of obtaining accurate data from the information system the department basically overestimates the sum total of the reimbursements that it assumes that it will recover. For example in the year 2001 the department ended up retaining a consultant to help in billing of outstanding charges estimating that he could recover around d six million dollars, however the consultant ended up recovering a maximum of 450,000 million dollars. The VA aggravated its problems by collecting the reimbursements because it really missed training opportunities since the department and the homes have used money inefficiently in the past. Lack of training has resulted into an absence of the billing experts and also knowledge at the department insufficient training accompanied by poor management and lack of executive management sponsorship has immensely contributed to deficiencies and also errors in the department’s information system thus giving birth to a system that doesn’t work efficiently as it should. The department has tried to correct the cash flow problems but unsuccessfully. It always request loans from the general fund to enable it cover some of the timing differences cause by delays the department’s reception of federal funds or reimbursements. . Health care providers can minimize the fraud audits by training their staff well this is because it is always very easy for the poorly or untrained staff to make billing mistakes. Detailed records should also be very well kept by providers incase of any questions arising from the auditing process. Signature stamps should also be given very special considerations before they are given or used by others. Providers should safely keep the billing profiles cooperate with auditors and also take care with the collection efforts. Economic recession is also perceived to be another major reason as to why there is fraud in the veterans affairs. This is because it has caused many insurance frauds which are also evident t in veterans’ affairs. Recession is making everything so expensive that many people cannot afford. Due to this the veterans have found their salaries too little to accommodate their leisure and family needs and that is why some have been caught committing frauds through the insurance. To solve this VA should work hand in hand with the insurance fraud unit which provides focused and specialized efforts towards combating of specific crimes. Disaffection The other reason for fraud in the veteran affairs if veterans disaffection. This is because many veterans just like all the other employees see themselves threatened therefore turning into latent malefactors. This is because fraud has become an equal employer for all. Most of the veterans engage in this behavior because the can rationalize their acts to self or themselves. To discard this veteran’s disaffection which is causing fraud the VA must have special people who can maintain the organizations tradition of excellence. For this special people to be available the VA has to compete with other employer in order to attract them. VA is aware of the fact that its kind of employees become valuable over time and to keep the around then they should be offered a truly benefits package and superior compensation. The VA has been working hard to control employee disaffection for it offers a competitive salary and superior array of benefits for the veterans and their families (, 2009). Indifference to internal control The other reason of fraud in veteran affairs is indifference to internal control. This is because the department has poorly manage its cash and that of its three homes for it has failed to pursue some reimbursements to which it is entitled. Most of its funding for its department homes comes from the States General Fund and additional funds comes from the US department of veterans affairs from the fees paid by the residents belonging to the homes and reimbursement which is paid by Medicare. The department estimates that it loses more that 15 million dollars in state and federal funds due to some of the homes had become ineligible for reimbursements. The VA doesn’t take advantage of all the cash sources available. It also has inadequate implementation and use of its billing management information system thus causing additional loss of money. This is because billing errors and also inadequate documentation of costs the department some of the additional reimbursements for those services that the home supplies to its veterans. The VA department has also compounded it difficulties in cash flow by failing to promptly submit its claims for various reimbursements. Internal control basically controls to the fraud because it doesn’t address the lack of resources that effectively manage the fiscal operation of the veteran’s home. This makes the veterans department to poorly prepare inaccurate management reports. The other weakness of the department is that it doesn’t utilize many of the tools and also reports available in its information system. For example in the year 20012 it is estimated that homes didn’t use around 35 of   the system   modules purchased by the department including a   cost accounting module that would   have given the department   a valuable tracking and budgeting tool. Fraud is also facilitated by the fact that the veteran’s affairs department doesn’t extremely conduct limited reviews on its internal controls. For instance it is true that the VA doesn’t frequently keep current its policies and procedures manuals. It also doesn’t frequently produce some precise accurate operational reports which it could use as one of its management tools. To solve the problem of indifference in internal control the department should ensure that it has the ability to bill for the services which are provided by its three homes. This can be facilitated through the continuous seeking of recertification of its homes so that they can bill for Med-Cal and Medicare reimbursements it can also follow up some of the claims submitted to the secondary insurance providers to ascertain that it has received the reimbursements and submit or issue claims to the secondary insurers that it had not billed in the past. To ensure that there is prompt billing of charges the department should continue to mainly focus of the clearance of its backlog claims and also ensure that the staff performs all the assigned tasks so that claims can be billed promptly. To ascertain whether the consultants who assist when billing are a cost effective solution to some of its problems related to cash flow, the department should make use of the results of its current contractor as the basis to make analysis on the benefits and costs of continuing to hire the consultants. The department should also assess whether payments from medi-cal and Medicare and additional assortment of federal reimbursements will adequately or efficiently cover the cost of the consultants. The department should also take some steps in ensuring that adequate resources and tools are for controlling the fiscal operations are established. One of the steps is the development of periodic management reports which include aging reports of accounts receivable and regular reconciliation of the report with the department’s accounting records to assist the department in evaluating its cash flow and that of all its three homes. The reports however should not cover reimbursement, unbilled claims and accounts receivable. The other step is to ensure that there is a regular review of the department’s internal controls with the aim of ensuring that the department fulfils its missions and also that it keeps proper control over liabilities, expenditure, assets and reimbursement. The third step is to ensure that there are adequate training opportunities for the department employees and  Ã‚   especially the reimbursement staff to inform them of the current developments in Medicare policies and regulations (, 2001).

Monday, October 21, 2019

Technology Intergrated Into Our Lives

Technology Intergrated Into Our Lives Free Online Research Papers The recent development of technology made possible for us to live in ways that have never been possible before. From accessing massive information to enriched personal lifestyle, technology continues to push the boundary of our living standard every day. It is undoubtedly true that technology is increasingly becoming an important part of our daily lives. Since Internet was first released, it has changed and improved in many ways. It is foolish to underestimate the change that easy and widespread access to the Internet has made to our way of life. The web is now so popular, fast and common that it has become a part of our everyday life, changing the method of how we share and finding information, staying in touch, real-time online services, and even helping people with disability. Surfing the Internet is a global phenomenon. It has been expanded its reach and influence. It is an individuals online public commentary on whatever takes their interest on a particular day. For instance, Employers want to hire employees; they post job with description and qualification that are looking for that position in their website. The other side, employees who are looking for jobs, search job postings and if they found jobs that are interested in, they sent e-mail or fax their resume. Also they can search the company profile in website where is information of company history, products, and job environment. Actually I am doing this way for searching job as well. Another simple example of the technological improvement bringing changes to our everyday life would be mailing. We used to write letters to stay in touch with those living far away, and if our correspondent was very special, we used our trusty film cameras to take pictures and include them in the letter. The process would have included developing the photographs-waiting anywhere from an hour to days to get the prints. Wed then hand over the cash, go home, put everything in the envelope, stick a stamp on it and post it off. Nowadays, we grab our digital camera, take as many shots as we want, upload them directly on to our PCs, attach a copy to an e-mail and send it off into the recipient. No more delivery charges, no more postage is needed, regardless of the time. It is even possible to send Spam-mails to hundreds of people in an instant! People with certain disabilities can also benefit from the technological advancement People with disabilities can receive enquiries via Internet, phone or fax. They can equip themselves with machines that can help them move, communicate, work or relax. Medical support is made a lot easier with patient monitoring equipments. Future technological discoveries will probably further increase the living of the disabled. A whole new revolution in technology has sprung up dedicated to providing new ways to improve productivity, in the process changing how we communicate and allowing us to fit ever more into our ever busier lives. I wonder what the future holds for us and the Internet, and if services like Google Earth are anything to go by, the future is going to be pretty amazing stuff. Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services over the internet. Shopping on the internet is quick and convenient and should be no riskier than buying by mail order or on the phone. We have found some great ideas for Birthday gifts, Wedding presents and gifts for all of our friends and family, whatever the occasion. Furthermore, Shopping online is all about comparing prices and finding the best deal possible. It could save time and go though the locations for delivery. Now I can order some Pizza for lunch nearby, special warm knitted sweater for my mother in Korea as well. Research Papers on Technology Intergrated Into Our LivesThe Project Managment Office SystemTwilight of the UAWOpen Architechture a white paperGenetic EngineeringBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationQuebec and Canada

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Secrets to a Successful Marketing Strategy by

Secrets to a Successful Marketing Strategy Secrets to a Successful Marketing Strategy Marketing has only one goal – to get customers. Years ago, someone opened a business and advertised in the newspaper and on the radio. S/he put big signs in the windows advertising sales. Not a lot of that happens anymore, except for television advertising that that the big players can afford. Now, it’s all about being found online, and being found everywhere online; it’s about driving traffic to your website; it’s about creating content that is wonderfully engaging; and it is about being all over social media. And the goal is conversions – whether that is capturing an email address for future marketing communication or, ultimately, getting someone to take a free trial or, ultimately make that purchase. There’s a Lot of Research Out There People have been at this content marketing stuff for a long time now, and there are very sophisticated tools and strategies that you can take advantage of, if you want the right plan of action to spread your brand, generate traffic, and get those conversions. Use the strategies that the experts tell you are correct, and you will achieve your goals. Three big things should drive everything you do – spreading your brand, building relationships, and using analytics to target your market. Spreading Your Brand The web-based shopper has to know you exist. You can’t just build a â€Å"killer† website and think these shoppers will come. You have to go to them, and you have to do this in smart ways. Here is what you must do at a minimum: Get a blog. Get a great blog. This means that you have absolutely great content that people want to read and share with others. It means that the content you have will be noticed by search engines, so that your SEO rankings will rise. You can’t just slap up a few posts each week. Those posts have to be engaging and compelling, written well, and give readers something they need or enjoy. If you do not have the time to maintain an absolutely extraordinary blog, then you need to contract with people to do this for you. Over time, the expense will more than pay for itself. If you don’t know where to go for experts, you can begin with an online essay writing service that has real pros for copywriting. They are pretty reasonable and will see to it that your blog posts are absolutely stellar. Get all over social media. Tell great stories about yourself and your team. Solve problems for people. Run contests; conduct surveys; offer special deals; offer free things with links to your website for them to get the great stuff you are offering. Give â€Å"teasers† to those great posts that are now on your blog to drive you targets to your site. Remember – brand spreading is a long-term, gradual process. Be patient – if you do it right, it will happen! Building Relationships Shoppers today want to know who they are buying from – particularly Millennials who were responsible for $5 billion in Internet sales last year. Customers are not walking into your store and having conversations with you. They are finding you online, and building relationships are much harder. So, here is what has to be done: Your blog and your social media pages need to tell your story and the stories of your team. Get lots of photos and videos up there that show you and your team at work and at play. Take up a cause and show how committed you are to it. Offer to donate to that cause with each purchase; publicize you and your team participating in events sponsored by that cause. You can do something as simple as sponsor a child or two in a third world nation and post photos and updates; if you are local, find a local charity with which to become involved. Millennials want to do business with companies that take social responsibility seriously. Feature your customers as much as possible – have a customer of the month. Have a contest and publicize the winners. Using Analytics Start with Google Analytics and then graduate to more sophisticated tools such as those offered by Crazy Egg. You know who your target market is. Now find out where they hang out online; find out when and from where visitors come to your site; learn about where they stay and when and where they bounce out; learn which devices they are using. All of this information should drive your site content, the CTA’s you use, and the design of content for multiple devices. You can have a great website that really rocks on a PC, but if your targets are using tablets and phones, and you have not re-designed for those devices, you have lost them. If you don’t have the time, hire this out. It’s just too important! The big takeaway if this: It takes time for a marketing strategy to work. If you are not seeing results in a week or two, do not â€Å"jump ship.† It takes months, and progress is gradual.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Belle Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Belle Technologies - Essay Example The engineers were also irritated with his obsessive ness with perfection even when it was not required like the diction, fonts etc. of written documents. All this worked against him and despite being the most loyal employee of the company; he did not receive good appraisals from his subordinates and was finally demoted. A: Hersey and Blanchard would never say that Derek is leading the newly hired engineers properly because the approach they believe in and the approach Derek applied was totally different. Though Derek expected greatness from his new recruits he purposely maintained a distance from them because he believed that its better if they learn on their own. Whereas Hersey and Blanchard thought that the recruits are in the R1 stage and the leader should use the telling style of leadership and take time out as much as possible to tell them what to do and give specific directions on how to proceed and complete the work satisfactorily. A: Hersey and Blanchard would not agree with Derek's leadership of the experienced engineers. Derek believed in supervising them in every step of their work. According to him he checked with them as much as six times a day to see whether everything is going well or not. This naturally irritated the engineers a lot. On the other hand Hersey and Blanchard believed that at this stage the experienced workers should be allowed to work on their own as much as possible and give them advice and suggestions when they really require it. This way they will feel that they are worthy enough to be trusted completely. Q.4 Now that they have a new manager, Sinha, how do you think the new engineers ought to be led Your recommendations A: The new manager Sinha should follow Hersey and Blanchard's approach of leadership. He should understand that the new recruits are fresh out of college and would require time, encouragement and guidance to understand work. They are in the R1 stage, which is the telling stage from the leadership point of view. Therefore Sinha should not wait for them to ask questions, as they might be skeptical and conscious that whether they are asking the right questions or not. So Sinha should resort to one-way communication and keep directing them from time to time about what is required and also, guide them on how to go about it. Q.5 Now that they have a new manager, Olin, how do you think the experienced engineers ought to be led Your recommendations A: The experienced engineers should be left alone. With experience they have become experts in their fields and they very well know how to do their work. Unnecessary interference will irritate them and they might even gossip on their leader's back. All this might affect the leadership position of the leader negatively. Therefore advice should be given when really required. They must be led by thrusting complete trust on their abilities. The leader should always be available to them and should not be too task centered. The leader should create a more participating and friendly atmosphere to successfully lead this group.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Film review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Film - Movie Review Example Here, time stopped, and life became a pursuit of pleasure. The head characters include Kenneth Branargh, Denzel Washington, Emma Thompson, Michael Keaton and Keanu Reeves, who find the right way to play out the misunderstandings, passionate love affairs, reconciliations and renunciations (film). When the movie starts, Beatrice and her friends are relaxing, when news of the arrival of Don Pedro, the Prince of Aragon (Denzel Washington), comes. He had come to spend time at Leonato’s (Richard Briers) villa. This was after squashing an uprising organized by Don John (Keanu Reeves). . For Benedick and Beatrice, they have been acquaintances for some time, and it takes their friends’ prodding to admit their feelings to each other. She is submitted to Benedick, just as he is to her. This couple is engaging, such that their differences are unnoticeable. However, for Hero and Claudio, they have an immediate attraction, love at first sight, but still have a lot know about each other. Claudio’s love then turns into loathe, but does not tell this Hero until their wedding day, when he denounces her (film). The whole production was as though Branargh sought to come with a bizarre diversion. It could be assumed that he knew the conventional comedy routines would prompt anything, apart from laughter. For the characters, Keanu Reeves is elegant and handsome and speaks his lines with authority. Just like Claudio and Hero, Beckinsale and Claudio behave with naà ¯ve genuineness, though they usually look numb at hearing the words that they speak. In general, the movie has done Shakespeare well, and it is

Weekly Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weekly Discussion - Essay Example In this regard, the reason why Klein and Zeljka have to respond to the counter-arguments posed to the original study was to further make the issue clear. Klein published the article I Was Wrong, and So Are You in The Atlantic, and objected to publishing in The Wall Street Journal. This can be considered as a deliberate attempt of ensuring that the information is tailored to the appropriate audience. In doing this, Klein must have been aware that The Atlantic and The Wall Street Journal command different audience. It is widely argued that The Wall Street Journal is most read by policy makers, including the politicians. On the other hand, The Atlantic is read by the general public, which may not necessarily counter as policy makers, but inform the decision making process. These include parents, students and businessmen. In my view, the reason why information as well as the media should be changed is to assure information objectivity. This is in reference to the fact that people have different points of view and interest. This means that for the objectives of the information to be realized, adjustments for inclusivity should be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Miss Evers Boys Opinion Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Miss Evers Boys Opinion - Movie Review Example These blacks had put their blind trust in the hands of the medical practitioners, doctors and medical professionals, besides the United Stated Government. However, they were meted out with discriminatory practices. The victims were used as 'study cases' and were experimented upon, depriving them of proper medical care. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the United Stated Public Health Service used about six hundred of the syphilis affected blacks as 'case studies' to conduct experiments. They did not make use of the already discovered wonder drug, penicillin and carried on with their insensitive experimentation. This leads to the death of nearly two hundred victims, which the doctors hide under the garb of lack of treatment. Alfre Woodard plays the young nurse, Eunice Evers who works for Dr. Brodus, played by Joe Morton. The two, in combination with a white doctor, played by Craig Sheffer are appointed to open a treatment centre for the blacks with syphilis.

Heroism English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Heroism English - Essay Example As the world has become technologically advanced, and knowledge has thrived, use of mind has taken over the use of physical force to a large extent. As a result of this, there has occurred an expansion, if not a change in the definition of a hero. A hero in the 21st century is not necessarily physically strong and powerful, but he is emotionally intelligent and brave, and is able to fight the evils the community or society is suffering from to pacify the society. Sheikh Zayed was the leader who made a difference in people people’s life. In 1971, Sheikh Zayed invited six presidents from different regions in order to have one strong country instead of several weak ones. He succeeded by establishing the United Arab Emirates and being the first president (, 2009). Sheikh Zayed was a wise leader who dealt with the union progress patiently. He turns the United Arab Emirates from the state of chaos to a powerful country in thirty years. He focused on educating people. Also, he helped many countries to fight against their rights and problems. He made various decisions that influenced many countries such as Palestine issue. Sheikh Zayed was a lovely leader who drew a smile on his people faces. He worked hard in order to achieve his goals. Heroism is a very large concept that has many definitions. Being a good leader and guiding people to the right path might be a part of the heroism definition. Sheikh Zayed was a great example. He made many important decisions that led him to be a hero. Sheikh Zayed was a smart and wise leader. I want to do my best to develop my personality and learn his values. Learning from Sheikh Zayed is my goal. I want to be a leader who could make a different in other’s life. Sharing love and respect in the main key as Sheikh Zayed taught us. Working hard is an important value that I want to develop. Improving my personality is main focus since I have a great example of a hero going to be easier. A hero like Sheikh Zay ed has very high emotional intelligence. He can talk a lot to people easily and never runs short of thoughts on any topic. One trait of hero that I have is that I can speak to any kind of person in such a way that he starts considering me his friend. This makes me think that Sheikh Zayed and I commonly possess emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is about knowing what it takes to reach people’s hearts. Since my childhood, I have had a lot of friends. Anywhere I go, I make friends. This helps me build relationships and contacts. In the present age, social networking works a lot. You get to know the right person to approach at the right time for the right purpose. Another trait of a hero that I possess is bravery. Bravery comes from confidence. The fact that I have so many friends speaks of the confidence I have. It is the very confidence that has built bravery inside me. I say to people who I think like, not what they necessarily want to hear. Although this puts me i n tough situations sometimes, yet I know how to come out of them using my emotional intelligence. My friends often tell me that one thing they like me for is bravery, which is what makes me think that I am brave. Bravery does not only mean being bold. It means that one is able to put his view in front of the world and hold on to them in spite of all opposition and criticism which arises. I know that I am brave because I never step back from my decision when I am sure I am right no

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Miss Evers Boys Opinion Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Miss Evers Boys Opinion - Movie Review Example These blacks had put their blind trust in the hands of the medical practitioners, doctors and medical professionals, besides the United Stated Government. However, they were meted out with discriminatory practices. The victims were used as 'study cases' and were experimented upon, depriving them of proper medical care. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the United Stated Public Health Service used about six hundred of the syphilis affected blacks as 'case studies' to conduct experiments. They did not make use of the already discovered wonder drug, penicillin and carried on with their insensitive experimentation. This leads to the death of nearly two hundred victims, which the doctors hide under the garb of lack of treatment. Alfre Woodard plays the young nurse, Eunice Evers who works for Dr. Brodus, played by Joe Morton. The two, in combination with a white doctor, played by Craig Sheffer are appointed to open a treatment centre for the blacks with syphilis.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Overpopulatio in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Overpopulatio in the United States - Essay Example This makes the US one of the fastest growing nations in the line of industrialized nations in the world. This overpopulation has caused various problems in the country, such as scarcity of resources, environmental issues, and economic consequences. Moreover, the problem of overcrowding also presents lack of education, and other issues which might cause troubles for the humanity. It is anticipated that by the year 2050, the population of the nation will be increased by around 130 million people, which is nearly equivalent to the addition of four more states the size of California. This study presents a detailed research on the topic of overpopulation in the United States. It undertakes to consult various resources, publications and databases to obtain information regarding the subject at hand. The causes of overpopulation are considered along with an elaborated discussion on the effects and consequences of the issue. The concept of overpopulation in not new to the current world and has been debated upon much by the researchers and authors. The definition of the term â€Å"overpopulation† is generally given by the writers as a commonly adverse and detrimental context in which the number of organisms goes beyond carrying capacity of its environment (Ian, 2007). This terminology generally pertains to the association between the two variables: environment and human population. The environment can either refer to a small geographical area or entire earth. During the past few years, the population in the United States has increased by more than double. It is said that if the population of the world in the coming century is multiplied by the same amount, there shall be more than one billion people around the globe. This increasing population, in turn, affects many features which include the negative contribution to the beauty of land, forests, environment and the entire ecosystem. Then, the social problems such as increasing attention in schools and lack of teachers

The Groundwork of Metaphysics of Morals Essay Example for Free

The Groundwork of Metaphysics of Morals Essay Immanuel Kant’s â€Å"Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals†, argues upon the basis of morality introducing the ideals of the categorical imperative as the central concept of moral philosophy. The definition of the categorical imperative leads Kant towards the critique of pure reason arguing that without a goodwill one can’t even be worthy of being happy. Kant introduces goodwill, treating people as means rather than ends and doing the right thing for the right reason. Making a distinction between science and knowledge and eliminating common sense on a route to the philosophical, Kant defines reason as reason a practical faculty to influence will and also being essential to will. Kant argument in the Groundwork focuses upon the basic idea of what makes a good person good. It is the possession of a will that is a way determined by, or makes decision based of moral law. This goodwill is supposed to be the idea of one who only makes decisions that she holds to be morally worthy, taking moral considerations in themselves to be conclusive reasons for guiding her behavior. This sort of disposition or character is something we all highly value. Kant believes we value it without limitation or qualification. Formulated by pure reason, the categorical imperative according to Kant underscores his argument. The value of a good will thus cannot be that it secures certain valuable ends, whether of our own or of others, since there value is entirely conditional on our having and maintaining a good will. Kant’s categorical imperative argues that ones actions should be done from duty in order to obtain true moral worth. It is not the result of ones actions but rather means of that duty that leads humanity to happiness. The goodwill â€Å"of this person would sparkle like a jewel all by itself, as something that had its full worth in itself† (Kant, 1). Humanity is very much determined by strive for excellence in order to obtain the ultimate good. Kant’s hypothetical imperative stresses how indications and determination for the result are the goal for people to act. Juxtaposing with the ideals of the categorical imperative the latter is motivated by the result rather than acting from duty. Acting in such a way that ones actions can become a universal law is what I consider the road to happiness. It is not primarily doing good to oneself in order obtain a desired result. Doing good to others and treating these as means rather than ends is what I define as true happiness. Goodwill will â€Å"needn’t be the sole and complete good, but it must be the condition of all others, even of the desire for happiness† (Kant, 1). So we have to develop the concept of goodwill that is determined and esteemed as good in it without regard to anything else, judging the total worth of the actions we commit and with the entirety depending on it searching for the unconditional good.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Value Chain And Supply Chain Analysis Commerce Essay

Value Chain And Supply Chain Analysis Commerce Essay The definition of value chain analysis includes evaluation of business activities which impacts the companys competitive strength. Delivering a product on time is the result of multiple business processes working perfectly to create a Value Chain that leads a firm greater profit over costs (Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner, 2007). There are two main value chain activities in the organizations. The first one is primary activities which could directly add value for the final products, for instance, marketing and sales, operations, service and etc. The second one is support activities which could support the effective of primary activities, for example, the infrastructure, Human Resources Management, technology and etc. (Campbell, 2002) All these departments work together to produce the companys profit. In the race for global domination, the components of this value chain have to be optimized   on a worldwide scale, at all levels of the corporation Global Headquarters, Regional Headquarters, a nd country level, as well as within the critical product portfolios, regions, and countries that the companies operate in. (Johnson, 2008) 2.1.1 The Value-Chain activities for the industry and FedEx Corporation Transportation is one of the largest industries in the world, and its sector range is very wide which include taxis, truck, train, ships, barges, airplanes, pipelines, warehouse and logistics service. For the industry, the three main trends were globalization of business, information technology development and new technology to support process efficient, and the market demand for more value-added. Hence, the companies in transportation and logistics industry depend on the global network of distribution centres to gain quick payment cycle and cheaper resources. In FedEx Corporation, as a leader firm in the industry, its centralized structures have always required, and facilitated billion dollar investments in IT and established the website from 1994. It provided a successful technology for the FedEx Corporation as a pioneer in the whole industry for e-business. This strategy became an advantage that they used to undermine their competitors strengths and localized customer service. Wit h a globally connected IT network, FedEx was able to leverage their IT advantage to service their corporate accounts on a global basis, rather than on a country by country basis. With the best HR system in the business, FedEx also has had an active strategic procurement optimization initiative that has been adopted by the rest of the industry, producing savings in excess of millions of dollars, straight to the bottom line. The most important part of the value chain is found in the senior management of these companies. FedEx has had stable, strong teams running the critical components of the value chain and the associated departments. (, 2009) For further support activities of infrastructure, in the early years, most companies developed on buying space on commercial airlines or contracting their shipment to the third parties. However, FedEx emphasize on creating its own fleet, the strategy could effectively reduce the cost of business process, increase the dependability and speed of delivery and improve the length of order cycle. Furthermore, for solving the transportation volume growth slow down, the FedEx Corporation reorganized in the year of 2000, its five subsidiary companies could operate independently but compete collectively in the industry. 2.1.2 The core activities for the industry and FedEx Corporation Global Transportation and Logistics Industry as the service industry, its core activity of value chain should be the service. The companies should compete on customer segmentation, pricing and quality of service. In the industry, USP was the largest company for transportation. Most companies should emphasize on reducing the cost, well-managed logistics operation could effective reduce the length of order cycle and relieve the stress of cash flow. FedEx Corporation was introduced as federal Express to the early marketplace. At that time, the company fought to a new logistics method, which was overnight delivery. It succeeded and well done enough for their competitors in the market and bring more interesting to the logistics market. The most interesting thing is that FedEx provides fast delivery services which has been named as FedEx Ground. This service provides the delivery day in 2-3 days and within a less expensive cost to every shipper. On the other side, FedExs value chain is embedding into Ground, Cargo and other divisions. At first time when company talking about FedEx ground, the companys president and CEO (Frederick, 2008) indicated that the decision to split Ground apart was to Broaden and deepen FedExs product line, in order to take advantage of customer focus, and the scale of the market. In the package business of FedEx Ground, it includes low value products which dont need to be at final destination because of the short package time of FedEx Express. Smith (2006) announced the model is taken from 3M Company, which has 250 separate operating companies, each of which is focused on a specific market segment. According the figure 1, FedEx had specific objectives and strategies in every Value-chain activities. Figure 2 FedEx value chain activities (Source: 2.2 Supply Chain Management Analysis Supply Chain Management is the monitor and management of materials, information, and finances, as those elements move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer (, 2007). For running the full range of products and services, companies rely on SCM expedient procedures and techniques to move goods. I.e. FedEx promise the fast delivery within the less expensive cost. FedEx is in the business of providing businesses the ability to manage their supply chains. In the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, the stage of supply-chain should be from supplier, inbound, manufacturing, order management to the outbound. For the whole process, the companies should have effective management on inventory management, warehouse management, the purchasing process, the product distribution, transportation and the customer service. (Lynch, 2006) In FedEx Corporation, it has advanced management system in each process. The figure 2 shows that the different management system utilization in FedExs supply chain management. For instance, the Customer Oriented Service and Management Operating System is one of unique system in FedEx Corporation which could integrate the information of goods shipping and the information about the mode of transportation. Besides, the Global Resources for Information Distribution which launched in 1998 could improve the quality and quantity of their delivery. Furthermore, its Global Inventory Visibility System, Inventory Mana gement System, Transportation Management System Enterprise Resources Planning, Customer Clearance System are all forceful supporting for every steps in the supply-chain management. Figure 2, FedEx solution in the supply chain process. (Source: Case study of FedEx) In one word, FedEx Corporation could always catch the demand and changing needs quickly and effectively in the industry, their leader strategies in value-chain activities and supply-chain management could perfectly support the company to achieve its core value and take the leadership position in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry. 3. Mergers and Acquisitions in Global Transportation and Logistics Industry and FedEx Corporation Mergers and Acquisitions (MA) refers to the aspect of corporate strategy, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling and combining of different companies that can aid, finance, or help a growing company in a given industry grow rapidly without having to create another business entity. (Lynch, 2006) A merger make the shareholders of the organizations come together to share the resources for enlarging the organization and the all the old shareholders in the merger will become the shareholders in the new organization. (Campbell, 2002) But the acquisition is one organization buying and subsuming the unequal partners. The shares in the smaller company will be bought by the large one. (Ansoff, 1988) With the development of human society, economic globalization is increasingly clear that MA between companies has become a common thing, but a deal is not as simple as writing the word and its connotation of far beyond the superficial meaning, and thus a correct understan ding of mergers and acquisitions are particularly important. 3.1 The MA in the industry and evaluation Apparently, it has both benefits and limitations for MA in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry. From the view of advantages, firstly, the MA could increase the market share in the whole industry. I.e. the DHL acquired Airborne Express to increase its market share in ground delivery market. (Lyne, 2003) Secondly, it could reduce the competition in the market. Thirdly, it could gain preferential access for the distribution channels. For instance, FedEx acquired the UK express company called ANC for improve the distribution channels in the UK. (Business Wire, 2006) Moreover, MA may help the company develop the new products or exploit product ranges for searching more opportunities in the market of Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, this method will be much quicker than the organization to launch it from the beginning step. Besides, the MA could help the company to gain new production and information technology for reducing the cost, improve the quality and differ entiation of their products. For example, FedEx acquired Caliber Systems in 1998. Moreover, the company could entre in a new market by MA. For instances, purchase the in China for the Chinese distribution market. (, 2004) Additionally, the MA in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry may enhance the awareness and reputation in the market, especially for the company may under the alleged misdemeanour. Last but not least, the MA could support the companies in Global Transportation and Logistics Industry to achieve asset strip which means break up an acquired company and recovering more than the price paid by selling the parts separately. (Campbell, 2002) On the other side, the MA in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry also have limitations and potential problems. The main factors of integrations failure could be summarize in the following six elements. The first one is lack of research for the conditions of the target company. Hence, it could not achieve the expectation after the integration. The second factor is the cultural inappropriate between the two parties. The third issue is the two parties lacking of communications before of after the integration. Another failure factor is that loss of key personnel in the target company after the MA performance. Furthermore, a potential problem is the over paying for the acquired company lead the acquiring company to get into the financial risk. The last issue for MA in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry is assuming that the growth in the market is uncertain which include the market trend, economic trend and etc. 3.2 Evaluation of FedEx acquisition of Caliber System To evaluate the success or failure for FedEx Corporation acquired Caliber Systems in 1998 should also form the different points of view. From the positive side, the company use $88 million acquired the Caliber System, Inc., it could provide the company a powerful technical support on Internet commercial at that time. In the period, the e-commercial was on the development stage in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, the long-term investment and acquisition of Caliber System made the FedEx Corporation own the abilities and opportunities to be the pioneer and leader in this area. According to summary of benefits for MA, The strategy helped FedEx Corporation entre a new market, broaden the business range, develop the new product and also gain new information technology. From the result, after the acquisition, in the following year, the company had an excellent performance, the net income increased 30 per cent and posting record earning risen 73 per cent. (Gelis, 1999) However, as the passage of time, the competition in the market became more intense, despite of the e-tailing and electric commerce supporting, the report shown that both the volume and the income have a negative trend. From the view of financial report, the result had an obvious falling. This condition was cause of several factors. Firstly, the fuel pricing jumping was unexpected, it will increase the cost for the company. Secondly, it also meant the Caliber System did not blend in the organization completely. The organization was enormous, the operation was complicated, hence, just acquisition strategy without well association could not make the new party perform perfectly. For solving the problems, the FedEx Corporation announced reorganization on 19, Jan, 2000. Consequently, it is hard to simply judge whether success or failure for the acquisition of Caliber System. The acquisition brought benefits, opportunities and also new operation method for FedEx Corporation. The negative result in the following years was also cause of multiple factors, i.e. the competition in the industry, the fuel price rapid rising and etc. 4. FedExs financial and non-financial performance in the Internet and e-tailing market The popular using of Internet has changed most business in the world. The utilization of Internet improved the structure of organization, the collection, saving and dealing with data and information management. Furthermore, it also provided the opportunity for companies increase the awareness and sale channels in the market. FedEx Corporation created its own website form 1994, it is the first step and basis for the company to develop its e-commerce. is the first transportation website which could accept the one line order for package tracking and allow the customers to transact the business by Internet. Both shippers and recipients could access shipping information and print documentation via Internet. As the pioneer in the industry, FedEx should continually improve their system and service due to its competitor also created the Internet service and Internet software. For instance, the DHL launched the website in 1995(Exelby, 2000), UPS spent billions on IT and electronic commerce (Blackmon, 1999). The express transportation associated with e-tailing would reach $7 billion in the year of 2000, but FedEx only handled with 10 percent of purchase on-line goods. All of these brought heavy pressure to FedEx. In 1998, the company paid more than $2 billions to acquire the Caliber System, Inc. to incre ase the abilities and power on Internet service and e-tailing. (Payne, 1997) Because of the large potential market and lower cost, the Internet and e-tailing market was continually enlarging in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry. To evaluate the performance of FedEx in Internet and e-tailing market should be from the view of five performance objectives. (Slack, 2007) Firstly, from the view of cost, FedEx as the first one for Internet and e-tailing in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry, it focused on long-term investment on IT and led the company to have the specific position in the area. For the intense competition, the company paid more than $2 millions to purchase Caliber System. It could effectively increase their market share in business-to-consumer delivery service. Hence, the investment partly made up the weakness against with UPS. Secondly, flexibility, the Internet service and e-tailing provide the convenience for the customers, increase a easy and quick channel for the transportation and e-tailing business. For instance, i n the year of 1999, FedEx Marketplace created a link to the on-line shopping, the on-line shopper could click to the top on-line stores and with FedEx delivery. Thirdly, dependability, the establishing of the website enhanced the dependability between the organization and customers. The computer system supported the customers to know their goods conditions in the whole delivery process. For example, the company created software called FedEx Virtual Order in 1999 which provide Internet order and also provide the customers catalogues for them on the website. Moreover, the IT system also enhanced the internal management of FedEx Corporation. For the enormous organization, the dependable information system should be the basis for the busy operation process. (I.e. in 1995, FedEx launched AsiaOne Network, it is a transportation routing system) Fourthly, speed, for the transportation and logistics industry, speed is one of the crucial elements for the customers choosing a transportation co mpany. The online order and the unique information system in FedEx deal with the order and storage, goods and shipping process, every process could reduce the time than before. For example, the FedEx Marketplace provided easy access to on-line merchants to offer fast FedEx shipping. Last but not least, quality, all of the strategies and performances about Internet and e-tailing could be linked to improve the quality providing for the customers and partners. For instance, the FedEx created e-business Tool in the year of 1997 which could support an easier connection with FedEx shipping applications. And the EuroOne network established also provide a powerful transportation routing system which linking more than 30 cities. All of this would enhance the service quality of FedExs Internet and e-tailing. Consequently, the FedEx had an explicit objective in the Internet and e-tailing market, for both financial and non-financial performance of organization in this area was focus on achieving their objective. For the customers and partners, FedEx try to provide more flexible, convenient, fast service by the Internet and e-tailing channel, created dependable and loyal relationships with them and build a perfect reputation in the market. For the own organization, it insisted on long-term investment on Internet and e-tailing area, it would lead to earn a long-term benefits. Besides, the organization continually emphasized on the infrastructure building and technology improvement, to create a dependable operation system and transportation team which could support the smooth operation in Internet and e-tailing market. All of these performances lead the development of FedEx. It could not satisfy only by the pioneer of Internet business in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry but t ry to be the long-term leadership in this market. 5. Conclusion As has been discussed and evaluated, the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry as a significant industry in the world, the competition is intense and its changes is large and rapid. For the main organization in the industry, such as FedEx Corporation, should have clear objectives in its long-term operation and management. It includes the right decisions in the value-chain activities the specific process in the supply-chain management. Furthermore, the company should have a penetrating judgment for the marketing trend in the following years and according the judgment and other factors provide a right decision for Merger and Acquisition strategies. Additionally, the organizations should also focus on the infrastructure building, enhance the performance in their operation and management process. Internet market should still play a significant role in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry and its potential benefit is enormous. Hence, to gain the leadership position in t he Internet and E-commerce area may lead the organization to take the leadership in the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Review of â€Å"Prediction Models for Annual Hurricane Counts† ELserner, J. (2006). Prediction Models for Annual US Hurricane Counts. American Meteorological Society, 2935-3951. HURRICANES This paper provides a Bayesian approach towards developing a prediction model for the occurrence of coastal hurricane activity based on historic hurricane data from 1851 to 2004 from US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A hurricane is defined as a tropical cyclone with maximum sustained (1min) 10-m winds of 65kt (33 m s-1) or greater. [1]A Hurricane landfall occurs when a storm passes over land after originating in water. A hurricane can make more than one landfall. A landfall may occur even when the exact centre of low pressure remains offshore(eye) as the eyewall of the hurricane extends a radial distance of 50km. The literature review in the paper suggests a significant effect of El Nino Southern Oscillations (ENSO) on the frequency of hurricanes forming over topics and a less significant effect over sub tropics. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) also plays an important role in altering hurricane activity (Elsner 2003; Elsner et al. 2001; Jagger et al. 2001; Mur nane et al 2000) has been stated. The hurricane observations considered in the model fulfills the following criteria 1 The storm hits the US continent atleast once at hurricane intensity. 2 The storm is recorded in the US continent only except Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands The discrepancy associated with the available data of hurricanes is about the certainty of the records for before 1899 ie the hurricane record from 1851-1898 are less certain than records available after 1899. The challenge here is to achieve such a model that gives accurate predictions even if t... ...June. Therefore the partial season count excludes hurricanes of May (1 occurred) and June (19 occurred) from the total of 274 hurricanes from 1851 to 2004. A total of 20% data is eliminated from 274 hurricanes. MODEL FOR ANNUAL HURRICANE COUNT POISSON REGRESSION MODEL h≈ Poisson (lamdai ) lamdai =exp(ÃŽ ²o+ X`i ÃŽ ²) Ln(lamdai)= ÃŽ ²o+ X`i ÃŽ ² ÃŽ ²o and ÃŽ ² define a specific model and are calculated on Bayesian approach. The model assumes the parameters (intercept and coefficient) to have a distribution and that inference is made by computing the posterior probability density of the parameter conditioned on the observed data. The Bayesian approach combines Prior belief [ f(ÃŽ ²) ] and most frequent likelihood to give the posterior Density: f(ÃŽ ²|h) proportional f(h/ ÃŽ ²).f(ÃŽ ²) The posterior density talks about the belief of parameter values after considering the observed counts.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Fall of Innocence in A Separate Peace :: essays research papers

â€Å"Holding firmly to the trunk, I took a step toward him, and then my knees bent and I jounced the limb. Finny, his balance gone, swung his head around to look at me for an instant with extreme interest, and then he tumbled sideways, broke through the little branches below and hit the bank with a sickening, unnatural thud, It was the first clumsy physical action I had ever seen him make. With unthinking sureness I moved out on the limb and jumped into the river, every trace of my fear forgotten.† (Knowles 59-60). Gene Forrester, one of the main characters in John Knowles' novel A Separate Peace, describes his best friend Phineas' fall from a â€Å"tremendous tree, an irate steely black steeple beside a river,†(Knowles 6) at their all boys boarding school, Devon. Gene is an introverted young boy who is very academically gifted. Finny, however, is an extremely extroverted childish young boy who is very athleticaly gifted. Finny's fall eventually leads to terrible thi ngs, such as death and guilt. Throughout the novel Knowles uses Phineas' fall from the tree to symbolize his loss of innocence, to show Gene's guilt, and to develop Phinea's death. After Phineas, also known as Finny, falls from the tree, he slowy begins to change. He begins to lose his innocence, It can be seen in the beginning of the novel that Finny acts very innocent. For example, Finny's game of Blitzball shows his spontaneous style of play, and his innocent child like personality. However after Finny's tragic fall from the tree, he begins to seem less innocent and childish. He begins to reveal secrets to Gene, such as when he tells Gene about trying to enlist in the war. â€Å"I've been writing to the Army and the Navy and the Marines and the Canadians and everybody else all winter..†(Knowles 190). War is not an event for innocent little boys. When readers find out that Finny had been trying to enlist in the war all winter it shows that after the fall Finny becomes less and less innocent. He no longer begins to play his childish games, and no longer tries to preform his crazy stunts. Though he is hurt, he does not seem to want to watch or help pa rticipate in any of these activies. On the day Finny fell from that tree, he did not just plument down into the river beneath him, but also fell from innocence.

Energy Requirements In Post Combustion Environmental Sciences Essay

Recently there has been increased involvement in C gaining control engineerings. There are a figure of factors act uponing this increased consciousness. There is increased credence that important decreases in CO2 emanations are required to avoid earnestly impacting the planetary clime, these decreases are improbable to be achieved through decreases in planetary energy demand. Therefore capturing CO2 before it enters the ambiance becomes a feasible option to cut down emanations. Post-combustion CO2 gaining control ( PCC ) engineering is a promising engineering that has possible to significantly cut down CO2 emanations from big point beginnings such as power workss. The chief advantage that station burning gaining control engineerings have over other gaining control methods is that bing power workss can be retrofitted with the engineering leting for a more immediate decrease in C emanations than is possible with the other possible engineerings. This is an of import consideration as the typical lifetime of a coal fired power works is 25 old ages which means that merely PCC can efficaciously turn to emanations from most of the universes presently runing power Stationss. However, PCC incurs higher energy punishments than pre-combustion gaining control engineerings and because there are non sufficient fiscal and legislative punishments for CO2 emanations PCC has yet to be demonstrated on a full graduated table footing and hence these energy costs can merely be quantified on a theoretical footing. Coal holds the largest portion of worldwide electric power production by a broad border, accounting for 40 % of universe energy supply in 2008. With this figure merely expected to somewhat diminish to 37 % by 2035 [ 1 ] . Because of coals laterality of the energy production sector and the higher C emanations associated with the combustion of coal we will concentrate on the energy efficiencies associated with using PCC to these workss. Modern coal fired power workss operate by using powdered coal. This coal is assorted with air and so fire in a boiler. The steam generated is used to turn a turbine generator and the waste burning gases are released to the ambiance. These gases consist chiefly of nitrogen plus H2O and CO2. Additional merchandises, depending on the pureness of the coal used, can include sulphur dioxide and N oxides. A typical powdered coal power works emits about 743 g/kWhr of CO2 [ 2 ] . As CO2 typically merely accounts for 12.5-12.8 % of the entire flue gas volume the separation of this from the other constituents is non a simple undertaking and requires energy input to accomplish.Minimum Energy RequirementThe thermodynamic lower limit specific energy demand for CO2 gaining control is shown in Figure. If an mean provender gas mole fraction of 12 % is taken so we can see that about 20 % extra energy is required in order to accomplish 100 % CO2 separation. Figure: Minimum specific energy demand for separation as a map of molar fraction in the provender gas for different fractional remotion ( T= 313 K ) [ 3 ] . In add-on to being separated from the remainder of the fluke gases the CO2 besides needs to be compressed from atmospheric force per unit areas to force per unit areas of typically 15 MPa, which are more contributing for station burning storage or transit. The minimal energy demand in order to accomplish a compaction from 0.1MPa at a temperature of 313 K to 15 MPa is 0.068 kWh/kg CO2. Figure shows the minimal energy demand for separation both with and without compaction procedure, presuming a gas mole fraction of 12 % . If we take the Siemens system for PCC as a criterion ; it removes 90 % of CO2 [ 4 ] from the flue gases. This represents 0.114 kWh/kg CO2 theoretical lower limit energy demand. Figure: Minimum specific energy demand for CO2 gaining control and compaction ( 12 % molar fluke gas concentration ) as a map of fractional CO2 remotion: separation merely and separation with compaction to 15 MPa [ 3 ] .CO2 Absorption ProcessThere are a figure of different methods being developed to divide CO2 from the other end product flue gases. Currently absorption procedures appear to be the taking engineering so they will be the focal point of this treatment. Figure shows a typical schematic for a station burning CO2 soaking up procedure. First, the fluke gases are passed through a ice chest, which is required to cut down ammonium hydroxide release in the absorber and diminish the volume of the flue gases. A fan is so required to pump the gas through the absorber which contains the chemical absorbents. The absorbent stuff which now contains the chemically bound CO2 is pumped to the desorber via a lean-rich heat money changer. The desorber regenerates the chemical absorbent by utilizing an addition in temperature ( 370-410 K ) and pressures between 1 and 2 bara. Heat is besides supplied to the re-boiler to keep regeneration conditions for the chemical absorbent which means the procedure incurs an extra energy punishment as the heat is required for steam production which acts as a denudation agent to divide the CO2 from the chemical absorber. The steam is recovered and fed back into the stripper while the extremely pure CO2 gas ( & A ; gt ; 99 % pureness ) leaves the compressor. The absorber chemical, which has had the CO2 removed is fed back into the absorber [ 3 ] . Figure: Schematic of typical station burning gaining control procedure [ 5 ] . Clearly this procedure involves a serious energy punishment as the extra procedures add much greater losingss to the system than the theoretical lower limit energy demands calculated earlier. Table shows the important works efficiency punishment which is the cost of the C gaining control procedure. This efficiency bead is due to increasing resource ingestion per unit of electricity produced and additions in chilling H2O ingestion per unit of electricity produced. Power works and gaining control system type Internet works efficiency without CCS Internet works efficiency with CCS CCS Energy PenaltyAdditional energy input per cyberspace kWh end productDecrease in net kWh end product for a fixed energyinput.Existing subcritical Personal computer, post-combustion gaining control 33 % 23 % 43 % 30 % New supercritical Personal computer, post-combustion gaining control 40 % 31 % 29 % 23 % Table: Valuess for cyberspace pulverised coal power works efficiencies with and without CCS [ 6 ] . This lessening in efficiency means that more fuel is required in order to bring forth the same sum of electricity as before the PCC procedure was added. From Table it can be seen that newer, more efficient workss suffer lower energy punishments when PCC is applied. The bing subcritical powdered coal works a 43 % addition in energy input per kWh end product compared with 29 % for a new supercritical pulverised coal works. Thermal energy demands are the most important factor in the increased energy demands and are the chief challenge confronting efforts to diminish these losingss.Thermal Energy RequirementsChemical soaking up is normally used in industry to take gases and drosss from high value merchandises like H or methane. The issue that arises in using this engineering to the power coevals sector is that it consequences in much larger decreases in efficiencies. while taking H2S from H for illustration may merely take 2.5 % [ 2 ] of the energy content of the H, this loss is much lar ger in power coevals as antecedently shown.Binding Energy RequirementThe heat which is required to interrupt the bond between the CO2 and the absorbent is an of import factor to be taken into consideration. This can be reduced by the usage of aminoalkanes as they can possess a lower binding energy for CO2. Absorbent material Heat of soaking up ( GJ/tonnes CO2 ) MEA-H2O 1.92 DGA-H2O 1.91 DIPA-H2O 1.67 DEA-H2O 1.63 AMP-H2O 1.52 MIDEA-H2O 1.34 TEA -H2O 1.08 Water 0.39 Table: Typical Heat of Absorption for Common Liquid Absorbents [ 7 ] . Table shows the values for heat of soaking up for the most normally used liquid absorbents. MEA-H2O possesses the highest value for adhering energy to the CO2. If this value could be reduced the sum of energy which would be required to divide the CO2 from the absorbent could be significantly decreased. Future developments in chemical absorbents could see the debut of hydrogen carbonate formation, which has been shown to hold the lowest binding energy of any chemical absorbent [ 3 ] taking to important lessening in the energy punishments encountered by the system.Heating of Absorbent in DesorberThe energy consumed by the absorbent heating up in the stripper can be reduced by take downing the heat money changer attack temperature and diminishing the volume of dissolver flow through the desorber. This can be achieved through the usage of 2nd coevals sterically hindered aminoalkanes. This has possible to duplicate the molar capacity of the absorbent. This could take to a bead in energy d emand from 1.2 GJ/tonne CO2 to 0.8 GJ/tonne CO2 which represents two tierces of the first coevals demands. Further betterments in these countries could finally take to 0.08 GJ/tonne CO2 which is predicted for 4th coevals aminoalkanes and attack temperatures [ 3 ] .Reflux RatioDepriving steam in the desorber has to drive the CO2 through the desorption procedure and supply the heat demand of the overall desorber and releases this heat when condensed and this heat is lost in the chilling H2O. Typically the reflux ratio achieved, expressed as H2O/tonnes CO2, is 0.7. This can be improved through the usage of absorbents that posses a higher Carbon dioxide to H2O ratio at the desorber issue. With a 0.1 ratio seen as possible for 4th coevals absorbents.Entire Thermal Energy Requirement ReductionsTable shows how these factors could diminish the thermic energy demand as new coevalss of chemical absorbents are introduced. Decreases in entire thermic energy demand of up to 80 % may be possible if these engineerings can be implemented. Procedure Generation Status G1 G2 G3 G4 Binding Energy ( MJ/kmol CO2 ) 80 70 55 30 Desorber attack temperature ( K ) 15 10 5 3 Solvent Flow ( m3/tonnes CO2 ) 20 10 8 4 Reflux Ratio ( metric tons H2O/tonnes CO2 ) 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.1 Entire Thermal Energy Requirement ( GJ/tonnes CO2 ) 4.56 3.31 2.29 0.95 Table: Possible thermic energy demand betterments [ 3 ] .Power RequirementsPower is required to drive a figure of facets of the PCC procedure: Fan power demand which is determined by the flow rate required and per centum remotion of CO2 sought. Liquid absorbent pump power. Affected by the degree of absorptive regeneration and other such procedures Compaction power demands which depend on the CO2 belongingss and the degrees of compaction required. Current coevals power demand is 0.154 MWh/tonnes CO2 with the mentality for power economy outlined in Table. Procedure Generation Status G1 G2 G3 G4 Entire Power ( MWh/tonnes CO2 ) 0.154 0.138 0.122 0.105 Table: Possible power demand betterments [ 3 ] .DecisionWhile involvement and investing in research in the country of PCC has increased in recent times the procedure is still in the really early phases of development and at the minute the energy costs involved in using this engineering to char discharged power workss make it highly inefficient and economically impracticable. Table shows that in all cases PCC can take to enormous lessenings in the sum of CO2 which emanating from coal fired power workss. However, first coevals PCC engineerings lead to a 40 % lessening in the works efficiency ensuing in 65 % addition in coal ingestion to bring forth the same sum of electricity. PCC Generation Status G1 G2 G3 G4 Efficiency with no gaining control ( % ) 35 41 46 50 CO2 Emission ( No gaining control ) ( metric tons CO2/MWh ) 0.928 0.792 0.706 0.650 Efficiency with 90 % gaining control ( % ) 21.2 31.6 39.7 45.8 CO2 Emission ( with gaining control ) ( metric tons CO2/MWh ) 0.153 0.103 0.082 0.071 Increase in Coal usage due to Capture ( % ) 65 30 16 9 Table: Overall mentality for PCC [ 3 ] . Because these engineerings are in the really early phases of developments there is a immense range for efficiency betterments in both the thermic energy required and the power demands for the procedure. It is seen as an accomplishable end that as engineering is developed that PCC could ensue in every bit small as a 4.2 % lessening in overall works efficiency and a 9 % addition in coal ingestion. These decreases are cardinal to the future use of PCC engineering as if it is non economically feasible for the procedure to be used it will ne'er be adopted.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Qnt-561 Week 1

Week Four Team Paper xxxxxxxxxxxxxx QNT/561 August 1, 2012 xxxxxxxxx Week 4 Team Paper Best Buy is a company that has 40 years of history with a very accomplished sense of success. In 1966 Best Buy was a small electronics store in that originated in St. Paul Minnesota by Richard Schulze and an acquainted business partner. Considering that technology changes so rapidly, Best Buy has had to transform from just being the little electronics store down the way into a competitive, customer-driven, talent-powered company that emphasizes on pleasing the customers as it pertains to the life of technology.In 1993 Best Buy was recognized as the nation’s second largest electronics retailer and was recognized by Forbes in 2004 as the â€Å"Company of the Year. † However, in 2012 Best Buy had a huge layoff which resulted into 50 store closings. The competitors for Best buy include online stores like Amazon, Buy. com, Tiger direct and various others. Purpose Best Buy stores are locate d throughout the United States and every year additional employees are hired to help staff during the holiday season (known as seasonal staffing and typically runs during holiday season).Higher head count is inefficient and expensive. This poses an organizational dilemma; can sales data be used to identify the appropriate number of temporary employees that need to be hired during the holiday season? Considering the sheer amount of stores that require temporary staffing data will be collected from all its stores and used to identify the staffing needs. Research Design Give the nature of business of Best Buy Quantitative research should be applied. It involves gathering data and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984).The dependent variable that will be looked at is staffing levels. A dependent variable is one that â€Å"is measured, predicted, or otherwise monitored and expected to affected by manipulation of an independent varia ble† (Cooper & Schindler 2011). Because this data will only be measured once, products sold and staffing levels, a descriptive quantitative design will be utilized. â€Å"For an accurate estimate of the relationship between variables, a descriptive study usually needs a sample of hundreds or even thousands of subjects† (The Association for Educational Communications and Technology).The estimate of the relationship is less likely to be biased if you have a high participation rate in a sample selected randomly from a population. Operational Definitions Operational Definitions Variable Definition Data of Interest #1 The number of products sold during the Holiday Season How will it be measured #1 If the product was sold between November 15 and January 5 Data of Interest #2 Number of temporary employees during the Holiday Season How will it be measured #2 If a temporary employee was active after November 15 and inactive after January 15 Sample Data Collection DesignsThere ar e various methods of collecting data such that the information collected can be used to draw inferences about the target population. The sales forecast is the key component for the problem statement and for accuracy it is important to know what consumers prefer over Best Buy. Participation in business surveys is usually voluntary and the quality of the results depends crucially on the willingness of enterprises to co-operate. A promising approach to getting high response rates is to make compliance as painless as possible through good questionnaire design and rotation of respondents.It is also important that the enterprises included in the survey should be convinced that the information they provide will be useful to the enterprises themselves in addition to any use it may have for macro-economic analysis. Conclusion Because the human mind cannot extract the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive statistics are very important in reducing the data to manageable form. Wh en in-depth, narrative descriptions of small numbers of cases are involved, the research uses description as a tool to organize data into patterns that emerge during analysis.Those patterns aid the mind in comprehending a qualitative study and its implications. References Cooper, D. R. & Schindler, P. S. (2011). Business research methods (11th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology U. S. Department of Education Retrieved July 29, 2012 http://pr. bby. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=244152&p=irol-factsheet Retrieved July 29, 2012 http://www. startribune. com/business/157988175. html? refer=y Business Tendency Survey handbook

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Foundation S N Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foundation S N - Essay Example Eating and drinking are integral parts of human existence, and this is a very important part of activities of daily living in Roper et als model of living. I was given to understand that as a nurse, I have a primary role within the multidisciplinary team to ensure that my patient receive food, fluids, and adequate nutrition when he is under my care. My plan also involved educating him regarding a healthy diet (Mentes, Chang, and Morris, 2006, 392-406). This patient had difficulty in eating and drinking due to stroke and resultant paralysis. Being fully aware that it was primarily my responsibility to feed him and ensure that he meets his nutritional requirements, I first assessed his clinical situation (Fowles and Feucht, 2004, 429-433). Assistance would be necessary, but my goal would be to set a goal of achieving independence in terms of eating and drinking. I knew that the thought of having to be fed is a threat to the patients individual integrity and self-esteem. Similar feelings were happening in the patient, and I demonstrated considerable care and sensitivity to handle the whole affair of feeding and drinking and made every effort to minimise the negative aspects (Wilson, 2006, 413-416). Before preparing and serving the meal, this patient was offered a bedpan followed by facilities for hand washing. Eating would have been easier if the patient could have been able to sit out of bed, but this was next to impossible in this case, since he was bedfast and had no balance to maintain a straight posture. As a result, support was arranged to make him sit upright on the bed, and a suitable table was arranged and placed in front of him where the food and drink can be kept. This would allow him to see his food and indicate preferences. I offered the patient also the opportunity to clean his teeth and use a mouthwash. To ensure a relaxed social atmosphere, I sat at the same level as him. Prior to this, I identified